Saturday, December 28, 2019

3 Times It Makes Sense to Take a Career Risk

3 Times It Makes Sense to Take a Career Risk3 Times It Makes Sense to Take a Career Risk In most situations, it makes sense to play it safe. Dont cross the street without looking both ways, and never drive a car without wearing a seat belt. Both of those things make sense because theres no upside to making the dangerous choice.When it comes to your career, though, sometimes it does make sense to take risks . You shouldnt be foolish or take risks just for the sake of it, but there are situations when the safe choice limits your upside.If you take a risk and fail, you can always get another job. The prospect may seem scary, but if you take enough smart, well-considered risks, then hopefully some will work out for you.Jason Hall There are plenty of times when the best thing to do at work is keep your head down and focus on the work. Whether its avoiding office politics (or discussing real politics), gossip or correcting your boss when it would only cause you to catch t heir ire, these can be high-risk, low return situations that are best avoided.And there are other times it may go either way if theres a real risk you could do permanent damage to your reputation if you have a plan or idea that fails.However, there should be a red line when it comes to your integrity. This is because, in my experience, an employer or coworker who asks you to start letting little things slide will eventually expect you to start ignoring - or possibly even hiding - bigger things. And sometimes these can mean breaking the law and becoming an accomplice to a crime. Of course, its important to consider context here, but in general, it should be pretty obvious when youre starting down a dangerous path.But if you always make a point to be honest in your dealings with your employer, peers and clients, you can avoid a slippery slope that can ruin careers and lives. The bottom line is, no job is more important than your integrity. If you have to break rules or lie or commit crimes to stay employed, youre risking a lot more by trying to stay with that company.Maurie Backman Im the first person to encourage others to pursue their dream careers, because having done so myself, I know how rewarding it can be. I worked at a hedge fund for almost five years after college, all the while wanting to move over to something more creative. When I finally took the leap, I knew it would involve a major pay cut, and I welches OK with that. The reason? I had savings to back myself up.We spend so much time at work that we deserve to be doing things we love. At the same time, we cant neglect our bills. If you know you want to switch careers, or take a similar risk that might result in a drop in income, go for it - but save some money first. When I went from collecting a steady paycheck to freelancing, I knew it would take time to build up a client base, and so I saved enough to ensure that even if I didnt earn a dime during my first six months of independent work, I d be OK.Its brave to take a career risk, but its unwise to compromise your near-term and long-term financial security in the process. So dont. Save money to buy yourself the option to take that risk. This way, you can approach your new venture head on without having the stress of getting evicted or running up credit card debt holding you back.Daniel B. Kline A few years ago I was working as the editor of two small - some would say dying - local newspapers. My boss was a nice enough guy but we had differing philosophies on local news. I believed in cramming as many local stories in the paper as possible. He believed in spending as little money as he could.It wasnt a bad job, but it was dead-end. If I stayed I was never going to get a meaningful raise, a promotion (there was nothing to promote me to) and it was unlikely my boss would come around to my thinking as to how we could get back to growth.I wanted to leave and could have left for better newspaper jobs. That, however, wou ld have likely been trading the headache I knew for a different one. Instead, I joined a friend of mine and started a business.At the time we started, we pooled the income I was making in my early days freelancing for Motley Fool and the money he was making building small-scale websites. It was barely enough to cover rent on a small office and pay each of us fairly meager salaries (less than I had been making).It took a while but I started bringing in more as a writer and we landed a contract to manage a companys digital portfolio. It was a grinding slow build, but we went from struggling to successful and slowly the imminent danger we had been in through our early days faded.That risk led to my current career as a full-time, work-from-home writer. Many people I worked with at that newspaper leise work there or hold similar jobs elsewhere. Most of them wish they had taken risks and now with time having passed its harder and scarier for them to do so.I might have failed and if I ha d, I would have found a job. Perhaps that position would not have been as good as the one I had left, but ultimately I would have reset myself and gotten back in position to take the next risk.This article was originally published on The Motley Fool . It is reprinted with permission.

Monday, December 23, 2019

College Grads Searching for Your Dream Job

College Grads Searching for Your Dream JobCollege Grads Searching for Your Dream JobMany college graduates enter the workforce with the misconception that they will quickly find and be hired to do their dream job. Finding a good job is a long process, and finding a job you can do with both purpose and passion can be an even longer process, with many cumulative contributing factors. Your workplace experience, practice in different fields, and personal growth and maturation all play into what you consider to be your iabsprache job. We at Resume Yeti do not recommend that job hunters hold out until they find their dream job. Instead, we recommend that job seekers maintain as broad a range of job choices so as to potentially have mora than one option when finally deciding to accept a job offer. We encourage those who are already employed, but still searching for their dream job, to constantly reassess their current position, future goals, and ever-changing interests at every stage of the ir career. Your dream job right out of college will fruchtwein likely take on a different form than your dream job later in your career. People change, their goals change, and so does the job market.Apart from identifying a job that youre passionate about, based on where you are in life and what your goals are, there are several other factors at play while determining what you might consider your dream job. In this article, well break down a couple different ways to help you establish what your dream job is, and how you can go about pursuing it.What do you like?It may seem quite obvious that your dream job will be something you like, but what exactly is it that you like about the work you do? We recommend that you begin your search by making a list of what you have liked about every work experience youve ever had. For those who are just entering the workforce post graduation, consider any college jobs you may have had, as well as tasks and assignments you had to carry out for classe s.When youre working, what kind of workflow do you enjoy the fruchtwein? Do you enjoy having autonomy to complete your projects, or would you rather work closely with a supervisor or team from start to finish? Do you prefer to work alone or with colleagues? Do you like to interact with the public (i.e. customers/clients) during your workday)? What kind of work setting allows you to be happiest and most productive? Do you like having a flexible schedule or sticking to kenntnis business hours when you work? Answer these questions and any more you can come up with based on your work experiences. Think about the times you were the most successful and the happiest at work. What workplace/process/situational factors contributed to your success and happiness. This exercise will yield a list of not only your best work environment, but also your unique strengths as a worker. Maybe you had never considered being a freelancer before, but if you find that you enjoy autonomy and a flexible sched ule, perhaps its an avenue you could pursue. Maybe youre in HR or customer service, but you really enjoy the instances that require technology or workflow problem solving. You might be better off working in IT or even in a management position in your current field.This articleon The Muse analyzes the benefits of playing into your strengths while searching for a job you truly love. Using data from Gallup surveys and the example of a sales-related job, the writer points out that a salesperson who realizes that their daily encounters with rejection really bother them, may ultimately be happier and more successful in a position that is sales-related- thus utilizing the salespersons skill set- but that is removed from the grind of making sales pitches. The writer proposes an alternative position in sales operations that may resolve the salespersons discontent with their current position in sales. Thus, by isolating what the worker liked and didnt like about their job, it is possible to i magine a solution for the worker in which they are both happier and more successful in their work.Where and how do you find your dream job?A salesperson that might be better off in sales operations is a theoretical example to emphasize the importance of identifying your strengths and factors for success in your work. The real world is usually more complicated than that. And finding your dream job certainly may be more challenging than switching to another position in the same field, perhaps even in the same company. Thus, once youve made your list of what you like about working, its time to consider how and where you might find a job that encompasses as many of the items on the list as possible.Late last year, we published a step-by-step guide to how to get a job in 2017. Perhaps the most important step in these guidelines is to keep a job search notebook or spreadsheet. We recommend including fields for company name, company website, important contacts at the company, and the statu s of your application. When you are searching for a job that meets very specific requirements that you choose (i.e. your dream job), you can add a field in your spreadsheet that makes a note of which positions and companies meet your various requirements. What will result is a list of jobs that visually points to the ones that meet the most aspects of what you consider to be your dream job.In the Forbes article,4 Practical Ways To Find Your Lifes Passion And A Career You Love,writer Deena Varshavskaya makes several excellent points on how to prevent yourself from skipping over what could be your dream job. Among them are, Dont make money your primary consideration and Dont set an artificial ceiling for yourself. If you try to prioritize your success, your happiness, and your personal professional growth in your job search, you may find that in the past youve limited yourself from exploring jobs or career paths that were not as lucrative or as professionally recognized as the one you ultimately followed, the one that now makes you unhappy.Most people think of the concept of deal breakers, with regards to relationships. However, the concept applies to finding a job, too. Deal breakers in relationships are dangerous because they lay down negative standards that an individual must pass in order for pursuit of a relationship to be considered acceptable. You end up scrutinizing every person you meet, searching for their flaws, rather than allowing their good qualities to shine through to begin with. Many people say they missed out on love and friendships because they set too many impossible deal breaker standards and ultimately ended up isolating themselves. The same concept applies with jobs. If youre having trouble finding your dream job, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your expectations for salary, hours, location, workflow, company hierarchy, etc. When searching for your dream job, try to prioritize your happiness at work, rather than any deal breakers you h ave outlined for your career.While these tips may seem simplistic, the point we want to underscore is that discovering and pursuing your dream job will rely heavily on your own introspection. Ultimately, by routinely evaluating your work-related processes, goals, and wellbeing, youll be able to detect when you need to make changes, what you need to change, andhow to go about implementing them.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

July 2018 Jobs Report Summary

July 2018 Jobs Report SummaryJuly 2018 Jobs Report SummaryEmployers expanded payrolls by 157,000 jobs in July, according to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That figure is below analysts projections of 190,000. However, revised numbers for May and June show that employers added 59,000 more positions than previously reported.Job gains have totaled more than 1.5 million since the start of 2018, for an average of 215,000 positions per month.Employers in the professional and business services industry led job creation in July, growing their payrolls by 51,000. Employment in temporary help services (27,900 jobs added) and computer systems design and related services (8,000 jobs added) contributed to that increase. Over the past 12 months, organizations in professional and business services have added 518,000 positions.The following sectors also saw notable job growth in JulyLeiaya and hospitality - 40,000 jobs addedManufacturing - 37,000 jobs addedEducation a nd health services - 22,000 jobs addedConstruction - 19,000 jobs addedWholesale trade - 12,300 jobs addedUnemployment rate drops slightlyThe unemployment rate edged down to 3.9 percent in July. The unemployment rate for college-degreed workers who are 25 or older also decreased slightly to 2.2 percent. Most employers specifically target this group of workers when they are hiring.Low unemployment and new job creation are contributing to another trend in the United States millions of open jobs. Employment data from the BLS shows that there were more than 6.6 million open jobs in the United States at the end of May, the most recent month reported on. Any way you look at it, its clear the demand for skilled talent continues to exceed supply.What employers need to knowAs summer winds down, you may find your business needs to staff up - fast. Student workers soon will be heading back to school, or they may already be well on their way. And professionals like teachers who sought summer work may be returning to their full-time jobs. Of course, that doesnt mean the need for these workers departs with them.Two recommendations as you deal with summer vacanciesFirst, be sure to maintain contact with seasonal employees. You may want to bring them back again next summer or even offer them a full-time role if the opportunity arises. (For example, if you really like the work of a college intern and think shes a great fit for your organization, make sure your firm is first in line to offer a job when she graduates in the spring.)Second, look to temporary and contract professionals to help keep your business running - and your core staff from getting overloaded - while you sort out your staffing needs for the remainder of the year. An additional advantage of relying on temporary professionals is that you can identify people you might want to bring on board full time. So, you can make sure work gets done while also connecting with potential hires a win-win.HIRE TEMPORARY H ELPWhat job seekers need to knowIf the summer job you loved is coming to an end, dont let the relationship youve forged with the employer languish after you leave. You may want to work for this firm again in the future. At the very least, the people you worked with can be valuable contacts to add to your professional network. They may become important sources of job leads and references.Be sure to stay connected with your summer work colleagues on LinkedIn. If youre a college student, stop by the employers office during your holiday break to say hello and maybe grab coffee or lunch with your former coworkers. If youre interested in rejoining the company, either as summer help or a full-time employee, try to arrange a meeting with your former manager to plant the seed and find out what steps you could take to make that happen.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

White Hat Blue Hat How to Make (Legal) Money as a Hacker

White Hat Blue Hat How to Make (Legal) Money as a Hacker White Hat Blue Hat How to Make (Legal) Money as a Hacker The average pop cultural image of a hacker is a shadowy figure maliciously breaching systems and selling your credit card info on the dark web. (See above.)Its an understandable representation, given all the high-profile hacks weve experienced recently, but its not an entirely accurate one.The hackers who steal your identity and sell it to the highest bidder are what we call black hat hackers - but theyre not the only kind of hacker in the game.There are also what we call white hat hackers - hackers who use their skills for good. These hackers help companies locate software vulnerabilities in order to repair them, in plus-rechnen to providing other valuable services. And they make good money doing it.Are you a hacker looking to make some money on the up and up - or even a black hat trying to turn their life around? Take a look at this new infographicfrom the cybersec urity experts at Varonisto learn what it takes to earn money as an ethical hacker

Monday, December 9, 2019

Why Everybody Is Talking About Free Resume Search for Employers and What You Have to Do

Why Everybody Is Talking About Free Resume Search for Employers and What You Have to Do Based on how niche the work opening is or how specific the location is, you will want to try many approaches to get the candidates you desire. If you own a position youre attempting to fill, have a look at the work description. Luckily, there are a lot of absolutely free job deutsche bundesposting sites that can provide you an ocean of opportunity and get you noticed so youre going to be landing that stellar interview at your fantasy business in almost no time. The ideal place to post a work really varies by location and industry a significant bit, therefore its somewhat hard to generalize on Monster vs. Indeed. Get the best candidates before your clients quicker and simpler than ever before. Review as many resumes as you select, but you should be prepared to pay a single dollar for each candidate you choose to contact. Youre searching for the best candidates for your open position, and jus t the very best. Basically, you would like to quickly portray that youre a best candidate for those varieties of jobs youre pursuing. Top recruiters know that posting on the most suitable job boards is an essential part of any recruiting strategy. Its possible that they provide potential customers the chance to post work on Monster at no cost, but we havent seen it. This will help make certain that the job that you want is yours. Posting your work on Indeed is a significant method to have your open position show up in the search results of active job seekers. For example, if you have an important employment gap since your final position, you can want to use a functional resume rather than a chronological one. Highly relevant expertise in a field is the very first thing employers search for. If youre targeting work outside the defense arena, youll need to civilianize your military language to demonstrate your abilities and experience match the employers needs. However much or w hat kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Its possible to create each of the documents offered in addition to make future edits and updates on any or them all. Information provided during account creation is going to be utilised in the validation procedure. Maintains confidential info.Many internet zip code lookup sites enable you to search all of the zip codes within a particular place. Next, you must create a speiche and find all of the zip codes in that radius. The Pain of Free Resume Search for Employers There are many free creative resume templates its possible to use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. Some folks put their contact number on their resume. Its possible to use multiple location tools at the same time. Whats more, you also have to devote your whole day visiting offices that accept walk-in applicants. Where to Find Free Resume Search for Employers Fro m that point, in case you have the budget for it, try out a test posting on each website to find out what results you get. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. For job seekers, there are lots of free job posting sites out there for job search. Get your fantasy job with the aid of this totally free expert PSD freebie. There are a couple general guidelines for showcasing your experience and abilities on just a couple of pages of text. So if you would like resume help, you will need some good resume examples. You may also exclude more or unique terms. Youre not restricted to the particular search terms utilized in the examples. Its assumed by employers you will give this information if requested. No employer information is going to be sold for any goal. To raise your chances of working within this area, you require professional childcare provider resume templates. Simply adhere to a few ideas to represent yourself to prospective employers as effectively as possible.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Lost Secret of Professional Resume Writing San Diego

The Lost Secret of Professional Resume Writing San Diego If youre looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. All our writers pass a considerable procedure to look at their abilities. Writing and including a reference sheet with your resume is one method to demonstrate which you are fully prepared and prepared to go into the work force. Purchasing a resume writing book may be recommended, especially if it gives online updates and further advice. Top Professional Resume Writing San Diego Choices Viewing several samples of resumes having to do with your career may give you the help needed. Keep in mind, your resume is an immediate marketing and advertising sales-letter. Resumes dont need to be difficult, long-winded or entirely inclusive to catch a prospective employers interest. The Death of Professional Resume Writing San Diego An In all the aforementioned situations, you would want a professional that specializes in each one of the individual fie lds mentioned. Wherever youre in your career, were here to assist. There are many different things to think about when deciding which one is most suitable for you. Resume writing for women that are stay at home moms and are seeking to re-enter the workforce may be a tricky thing. Writing about personal objectives and aspirations ought to be kept to a extremum and is frequently unnecessary. No matter the type of job application going for, attempt to tailor your work application to the job that you are applying to. Once you have selected the form of job that you want to use to, the best thing to do is to construct your resume in such a way thats best matched for the kind of job you would like to do. If youre looking for a new job, it may be wise to put money into the services of certified resume writers to make an attention-grabbing resume for you. As a result of its warm climate and major attractions, San Diego is regarded as one of the greatest tourist destinations on eart h. Professional resume writers understand how to craft a document that shows you are the ideal person for the job available. While the resume writer should earn a living, their prices ought to be such that you may afford the services rendered. Finding the finest San Antonio resume writer can be hard.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Phrases for Performance Reviews and Tough Conversations

Phrases for wertzuwachs Reviews and Tough ConversationsPhrases for Performance Reviews and Tough ConversationsEmployees need feedback to know how they are doing and if they are meeting their managers expectations. Everyone loves a critique when you offer praise and satisfaction its more challenging when you need to discuss improving wertmiger zuwachs. The Usefulness of Performance Reviews Organizations hold a performance review to provide feedback, encourage employee development and assess employee progress and contribution. Whether an employee is meeting and exceeding job expectations is a critical component of the performance review feedback. A formal performance review challenges the managers communication skills because the employee understands that the performance review will affect his compensation. This can cause conflict, anxiety and hurt feelings. Regardless of how your organization practices performance feedback, when you need to hold a difficult conversation, these phr ases and approaches will help. Here are some tactics for providing feedback. Your Performance Is Outstanding This communication is easy, but you can improve its impact and effect. Mention why and give examples of the reasons for rating the employees performance as outstanding. The employee will learn from your examples, and you can encourage her to do more of the actions identified as musikbedrngniseworthy. Your Performance Can Be Improved Communicate that the employee is performing and meeting the expectations of the jobs requirements, but he has the opportunity to improve performance and aim to become an outstanding contributor. Outline the areas that need attention. Indicate that while his performance qualifies him for a raise because hes successfully carrying out the essential job requirements, youd like to see improvement in specific areas. Point out that if the employee is to earn the largest possible pay increase each year, he needs to improve current performance to a ccomplish that goal. Discuss the areas in which he has the greatest opportunity for improvement. Your Performance Is Not Meeting Expectations Note that while weve discussed his performance during weekly meetings, it is not improving and its time to talk about a plan of action. All employees are expectedat a minimum to perform their job expectations. Indicate the critical performance areas that need improvement before you can determine that his performance is meeting minimum job expectations. Point out that the employee is not performing the minimum job expectations that you discussed for the year. You might add, Perhaps I am not communicating this information clearly so that you understand the implications of your continued poor performance. Ive decided that our next step is a performance improvement plan in which we set goals, make agreements, set deadlines and due dates and frequently meet to assess your progress. Helping Employees Understand Do not continue to repeat the same information when an employee does not seem to understand what you are trying to communicate. Find other ways to say the same thing and hope that one of them will communicate your concerns. (Keep in mind that sometimes a lack of clarity signals disagreement.) Tell the employee that you are open to any questions that might help clarify the points he doesnt understand. Lastly, ask him to summarize his understanding of your key areas of concern. (You can then determine what is not understood and how far apart you are in communicating.) When the Employee Disagrees When you have tried to communicate the problems, you note with an employees performance, and the employee disagrees, questioning is one recommended approach. Can you provide examples that will show me what is wrong with my assessment of your performance?What do you think that I am misunderstanding about the performance that I regularly observed this quarter? The feedback that I have received from your coworkers, team m embers, and other managers is consistent with my observations. Consequently, I know that you disagree with my assessment, but I havent heard anything today that makes me want to alter it. For now, my assessment will stand. I will be happy to discuss your performance further in a month at our weekly meeting after I have seen evidence of improvement in these areas. Summarizing the Performance Review Tell the employee John, will you summarize our discussion here today so that I know that you and I are on the same page? Express confidence in the employees ability to learn, grow, change, or improve I am confident that you will be able to make the changes that we have discussed today. I believe that you will be able to make these improvements because you have the talent and skills needed for above-average performance. I am available to help you when you encounter barriers to your success or if you feel you will miss a due date or deadline. Just let me know when this occurs as soon as you are aware of it. Create a Follow-Up Plan State Lets make a plan together to pursue these improvements. I want to have feedback points frequently enough so that we know when a problem is occurring. Take the time between now and Thursday to come up with a plan to make these changes. On Thursday, you and I can agree on the goals and timelines for the plan. Ill think about it also and come prepared with my ideas. Reach Agreement on an Action Plan Ask the employee Do you agree that this is an achievable plan? We have put this plan together, and I am confident that you will be able to accomplish the needed improvements within the timelines we developed. Do you agree? What concerns do you have that we can talk about today? Announcing an Unpopular Pay Decision Tell the employee Based on your performance this year, I have determined that you are not eligible for a salary increase. Because you have not achieved your job expectations, you will not receive a raise in this cycle . I will be happy to discuss this further in 4-6 months after I have seen a sustained improvement in your performance. State the amount of the salary increase and the amount of pay that the increase will bring in the employees paycheck with a new salary increase. Percentages are not always motivating. While the employee will likely do the math, your goal is to make him aware of the change in pay. Example Your salary increase is $500, bringing your total salary to $55,000. When you communicate clearly and avoid a defensive reaction, you can express your expectations in a way that the employee hears. Speak so that employee listens, comprehends and improves. After all, isnt that the goal?

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to be ready to apply for your next job before you need to look

How to be ready to apply for your next job before you need to lookHow to be ready to apply for your next job before you need to lookYoure just coming off that promotion youd been angling for, and feeling great about the bump in pay, added responsibilities, bigger gruppe, and the chance to make a deeper impact. Youre still settling into the new position, so the belastung thing on your mind is your next role after that. But maybe it should be.The point isnt to encourage paranoid, presumptuous, or premature actionits just to make it clear that there are risks tonotplanning at least one step ahead, no matter whatas Ive learned firsthand. A few years back, I was a rising star in a public company that was grooming me to succeed our chief people officer. I moved cross-country for a promotion that put me on the leadership career path I was excited about. My future at company was bright, so I focused single-mindedly on rising up the ranks there. That was my mistake.Two weeks into my new job, my company was acquired. After a year of regulatory review, I was eventually asked to move onto the internal communications team of the newly merged companynot exactly my dream job. The path Id laid out for myself was derailed in an instant. I left a week later, picking up the pieces of what had felt like such a sure thing so recently.The reality is that theres only so much you as an employee can control when it comes to your career path. Mergers, layoffs, consolidations, downsizing, pivots, reorganizationsthe average worker is at the mercy of all unterstellung contingencies, many of them hard to foresee. The best way to protect yourself is to plan ahead for the position youd like to reach next, even if you have no intention to go after it yet. Heres how.Cultivate your network - and the skill of networkingYoure probably tired of reading about the importance of building your network. Dont be, because its actuallythe most important skillyou can develop, particularly at the outset of your career. And itisa skill.We tend to think of networking as an activitysomething you do in order to build connections, with that pool of names and contact information being the real thing of value. But a knack fordeveloping relationships is more lasting and powerful still your contacts will change jobs, get fired, retire, and move industries, and your own career needs and goals will shift, too. So while the relative worth of a given set of connections will always vary, your ability to build and maintain connections wont.And you have no way of knowing when a certain contact youve made will swing a door wide open for you right when you need it.Some people are natural networkers, effortlessly working any room and instantly finding the right topic of conversation. Most people arent. Some would rather have a root canal than attend a networking event. But if youre in the latter camp, you can still flex your networking muscle while youarentjob-searching, so its ready to do some heavy-li fting when you least expect to need it.RelatedHow To Turn Your Crappy Network Into A Better OneTry thisPut a 15-minute weekly flgel of time in your schedule. Maybe its every Tuesday right after lunch, or the last 15 minutes of your day each Friday, when you cant really focus on your work tasks any longer but still have some time to spare. Use this period to research people in your field, look up past colleagues, alumni, thought leaders, and others in your industry or at companies that interest you. Connect with them on LinkedIn (just be sure you personalize the messagehere are a few tipsif youre not sure how), drop an email, or even just follow them on Twitter until youre ready to reach out. Make a little progress on this shortlist every week, and watch your network grow.Twitter is handy because it lets you create a private list of your network. Unlike LinkedIn, you dont need these networking prospects to accept your invitation to add them. Once youre connected via LinkedIn or Twitt er, like, retweet, and comment on their posts to get on their radar.Show your workBlogging is a great way to elevate your visibility and share your point of viewand it feels nothing like job-searching. LinkedIn lets you embed blog posts and articles directly onto your profile throughits publisher feature, in addition to the ones you can share in your feed.Mediumis another straightforward, well-known resource that lets you pick up blogging pretty much immediately. Whatever tool you use, sharing your perspective on your field and work is a great way to get on the radar and open your prospects long before you actually need them.Try thisDont worry if you arent the worlds most eloquent writer or fear that your point of view isntvery unique. Thats okay. Focus on sharinghowyou do what you do. Working out loud and sharing your work is an easy way to get the attention of people who might be in a position to hire you one day. Consider writing about tools you use, organizational methods youve learned, how you structure your day, productivity hacks, and so on. It might feel mundane to you, but youll be surprised how sharing your experience might help others and elevate your profile. (And if youre self-conscious about your writing style or grammar, tools likeGrammarlyandHemingwaycan help tighten your writing.)Do some digital housekeepingMost people dont update their LinkedIn profile until theyre looking for a job. But recruiters and managers are using LinkedIn constantly to look for new hires. So since youll be using LinkedIn to build your network anyway, youll want to give themprospective contacts and hiring managers alikean up-to-date view of your experience. Sometimes even just waiting to see which recruiters reach out about which opportunities can give you a feel for how youre viewed in your industry. Thats useful intel for planning ahead even if you arent ready to consider a move.RelatedRecruiters Explain What The Worst LinkedIn Profiles Have In CommonDigital housekee ping isnt just about LinkedIn, though, its aboutknowing what will show upwhen someone Googles your name. Check your privacy settings on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social networks you might useor even the ones youusedto use (since it might not occur to you that a recruiter will stumble on that 2012 Tumblr account you loaded up withcat memes).Try thisSchedule a one-hour appointment with yourself every one to three months topolish up your LinkedIn profile. Maybe youwont even need half that much timeto bring it up to speedin which case, great This can also help you track key accomplishments and projects youve been involved with that might be hard to remember if only only update your LinkedIn once a year. Plus, these milestones may come in handy during your performance review or while negotiating that promotion.If you approach preparing for a new job as something thats part of your regular routine, youll have a much better chance of keeping your career on the track you want. Youll never have absolute control over your companys future, but all it takes are a few good habits like these to keep you in the best possible position in case you find youre not longer in your employers plans.About the authorLars Schmidt is the founder ofAMPLIFY//, a recruiting and branding agency that helps companies like Hootsuite, NPR, and SpaceX reimagine the intersection of culture, talent, and brand. Hes also the cofounder of theHR Open Sourceinitiative.MoreMore from Fast CompanyRecruiters Explain What The Worst LinkedIn Profiles Have In CommonRecruiters Explain Which Types Of Messages They Actually Reply ToForget CodingHeres The Skill You Need Most When You abflug Your CareerThis story originally appeared on Fast Company.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tips for Job Hunting in Other States

Tips for Job Hunting in Other StatesTips for Job Hunting in Other StatesWhen it comes to a dedicated job search, I firmly believe that we have to be open to any and all opportunities available to us. We should take risks and apply for jobs we may be under-qualified for, jobs at companies we never thought about applying to, and even jobs in other states.When I apply for a job, I never limit myself to opportunities exclusively in New York City, where I currently live. While I may be more inclined to accept a position close to home, I am open to the possibility that there is a job calling out to me in another state even in another country, which my wife would certainly love. But while I keep an open mind to a possible move, I follow a set of rules before making rash decisions.Here are some tips for job searching in other states (which also apply to other countries and cities within the same state that are several hours away - but that would have made for a ridiculous blog title)1. Rese arch Companies - At, we stress the importance of research for any type of job search.If job seekers are looking for a job out-of-state, they should make sure they want to work for a given company before making that sort of commitment. Obviously, you can research companies at Vault, but you can also look up a company through the About Us section of the potential employers website.Simple Google searches can lead job seekers to news items about the firm that could make a company a more or less attractive place to work and at the very least help you formulate questions for that important job interview.For more information on researching a company, click here.2. Research the Location - Researching a company is just the first step.I remember interviewing for a company in L.A. I was unemployed and it was the height of the economic crisis in 2009. I was at the stage of my life when I would have taken any job in any place, so when they asked me if I was willing to relocate, the a nswer was an obvious yes.But when I couldnt convey any knowledge about where they were located, how I would find an apartment, and how I would get to work since I didnt have a car at the time, I was disqualified from moving further in the job search. (However, they ended up using me on a freelance basis that allowed me to work from NYC).So, in addition to researching a company, it is important that an applicant research the location, too.You want to know where the company is located, how much rents are in the area, what places are even available to rent, what forms of transportation are available. You should also research aspects of the area that are important to you.I am spoiled by 24-hour diners, grocery stores, and drug stores. I love that the bars close at 4 a.m. and that there is a real night life in NYC. It might impact my decision if I did research and found out that everything closes at 10 p.m. and there is no diversity in terms of food and culture. Someone else may not care , but I would.So, researching those little things about a location might be helpful.At the very least, you want to sound knowledgeable about the area during an interview.3. Research Costs - Moving to another state is not as easy as getting on a plane, train, or automobile and heading there. There is a lot more involved in such a move. If youre thinking of taking a job out of state, you should also research the costs of moving - both the financial cost and the time cost. How much will it cost to fly in and out of another state for interviews?How much will it cost to transfer your belongings? Do you have enough for rent? Do you have enough for furniture should you decide to leave everything you own behind? And how long will it take you to relocate?This is important.You will be asked.Trust me.4. Research a Divorce Lawyer - Im just kidding. Sort of. Whenever I have looked for a job outside New York City, I have asked my wife something like, How would you feel about moving to Nebraska ? Sometimes she is enthusiastic and says, Ive always wanted to live there. Sometimes she just gives me a look, and I know better and continue my search. And sometimes she is a little more honest with her response and says, How do you feel about finding another person to spend the rest of your life with? You should always ask your significant other for their input before making a rash decision about your future, because it is tied to their future, too.To sum it up, all the research you do is aimed at satisfying the employers questions during the job interview, but the research is also important to helping you decide whether or not to take that risk in the first place. The more research you do, the fewer surprises you will face and the less stress you will have when making that transition to a new home and job.Follow me on Twitter. Follow Vault on Twitter and Instagram.