Sunday, May 31, 2020

Passive Talent Why Your Next Hire is Already Employed

Passive Talent Why Your Next Hire is Already Employed Open candidates make up about 75% of the workforce. With such a majority it stands to reason that the highest performing candidates will fall under this category and there’s a number of reasons that they appeal as prospective hires: They have a proven track record of working in a similar environment. They are more likely to be up-to-date with industry developments and have an overall better feel for the role. They are an asset to their current employer so should be an asset to you! Because they are already employed, they are more likely, to be honest in their self-promotion. They don’t need a new job and so have less to gain by embellishing their experience or skills. An active candidate is likely to have applied for a large number of roles, some of which may only be loosely related to their field. An open candidate, however, is more selective and will only be interested in roles they feel are a better fit than their current one. They are not looking for a job, they’re looking for the job! How do you target this elusive cohort of happily employed star performers? Actually, it’s easier than you think. The reality is that people don’t have the same loyalty to companies anymore and are nearly always ‘open’ to opportunities. Employees see themselves as the commodity and the brand they’re interested in building is their own. The average job-cycle of a Millennial is 2-3 years, after which they up sticks and leave for pastures new. Build your brand Building relationships with open talent should start long before you have a job vacancy. Attracting candidates is about anticipating future needs, not reacting to current ones. Leverage events being run in your community avail of speaking opportunities and attend networking events whenever possible. Share content in the form of blogs, videos, and photos and master social media platforms to engage your audience and tell your story. Make sure that all the content you publish showcases who you are as a brand. Keeping track of who engages with it, will help in identifying the most relevant open talent for your company. Be direct If you are interested in someone professionally, don’t be afraid to reach out to them and ask them to meet or connect online. It’s hugely flattering to have someone be interested in your expertise and what you do most people will be responsive when you ask them. Once contact has been made, keep it as real as possible. Tell them about the cool stuff you’re working on, but be open about the challenges also. Solving problems and innovating are the two factors most likely to stir an interest, so don’t hold back when explaining your companies pain points. A smart person will see the opportunity to be able to fix them. Be straightforward about what you want from them. The ambiguity surrounding job titles, job specs and salaries will only discourage candidates from applying for your role. Think of the candidate’s journey You need to ensure that you’re easily accessible. Over 90% of candidates won’t complete an application if the process is not mobile optimised or takes more than 2 steps. Our research shows that career sites and apps like Jobbio are the most used medium when searching for new opportunities. Ensure yours has a responsive design to work with a range of devices and has advanced search capabilities. Be discreet Privacy is key. Passive candidates don’t want their current employers to know they’re open to a potential move so keep your relationship confidential by offering late evening interviews and accepting older employment references. An offer they can’t refuse Now that you’ve got their attention, what can you do to seal the deal? Our research shows that there are three things that help propel an open candidate to make the move…. Surprisingly, it’s not all about the money! Promotion, not plateau Most people are looking to climb the career ladder and will be drawn towards opportunities that offer a sense of promotion and by this I mean figuratively, not financially. A bump in salary may ignite interest, but people who are good at what they do are usually well paid. Offering people a seat at the leadership table will prove an excellent bargaining chip. Enabling them to oversee operations in their specialist area, to manage a team of people (however small) and to feel they’re really adding value as an expert in their field is one of the most powerful draws that can set you apart from the rest. Education Open talent can often be wooed by the opportunity to further their education or develop their skillset. The option to progress and grow within their role might be just what they are looking for in a new position. Flexibility As technology continues to evolve, employees are moving away from the 9-5 desk mindset and want the option to dictate their own hours and work remotely. Surveys show that 40% of people say flexibility around working hours would convince them to stay in their jobs. With younger generations, this is even more prevalent. We can already see Gen Z, the generation following Millennials, look to pursue a number of projects and roles at the same time. As such we’ll see a rise in a more task-oriented working day rather than hours. Getting ahead of the curve and transforming how people work will draw the most innovative open talent. Looking for your next passive candidate? The Undercover Recruiter has partnered with Jobbio for a brand new jobs page specifically curated for HR and Recruitment roles. Check it out here. About the author: Dee Murphy is the Head of Content and Employer Branding at  Jobbio  specializing in employee development and effectiveness, helping people discover what excites them, developing their brand and giving them the tools to build a life around what they enjoy doing in a unique and valuable way.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Writing the Best Resume For Australia 2020

Writing the Best Resume For Australia 2020You can always use the help of a professional resume writer for the purpose of writing Australia 2020 resumes. A well-written resume can help you land the first job you apply for.Making an impressive resume is essential, but it is not enough to have a good one. What you need next is to know what to put in your resume. Here are some simple tips that will surely help you write your Australia 2020 resume.First and foremost, you must not be shy and do not hesitate to tell the employer how your skills and talents to match his or her requirements. At times, the employer may be seeking for someone with specific skills, but can find one for you. If you are asking for an interview, make sure that you tell them so.Secondly, as with everything else, experience counts more than education. Education can only go so far in giving you that edge over other applicants. On the other hand, experience is the best teacher, especially when you are applying for a jo b as a new entrant. You must have some kind of experience in the industry in which you are applying.Education is very important but can also be somewhat misleading. Remember that educational degrees have little value to the employer. The real value in your resume lies in your work history. Experience is something that is easily acquired and does not require further education. This is the kind of resume writing Australia 2020 that you should be aiming for.Keep in mind that the recruiter's perspective is different from yours. As a candidate, it is your responsibility to present yourself in the best possible light. A recruiter can take any piece of information in the resume and immediately place it somewhere else on his or her desk because he or she doesn't have the time to carefully study your resume before deciding on who to hire.The back matter of your resume should convey the message clearly. Use broad strokes to inform the reader that this person possesses some kind of skill, but don't go into details. The content is always important. As a rule, you should never put anything in your resume that you would be ashamed to read at a later date.Your resume should speak for itself. It should be a statement of your qualifications and interests, so leave room for doubt by creating more information that can be readily confirmed later on.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Taking your Jobsearch Networking to the Next Level

Taking your Jobsearch Networking to the Next Level Taking your Jobsearch Networking to the Next Level When you are looking for a new job, or you want to change your career path completely, sometimes it is a case of who you know instead of what you know. We have known for years now that some great job opportunities can spring up from within our own networking community. There is no doubt that making new connections through attending business networking meetings can give you precious leads about up and coming job vacancies. Often you can get to hear about them well in advance of them being advertised, giving you a chance to get your foot in the door first. In most cases establishing a friendly personal link with a trusted member of staff within a company can give you an advantage over a complete stranger going for the same job.The value of having a strong network can never be denied, but successful networking doesnt have to stop at your regular monthly networking event. There are other avenues to explore and different networks to establish that could bring in some very interesting a nd lucrative new leads for you too.If you are tired of seeing the same old faces each month, then maybe you could try a new approach. It is time to think outside of the box and take your networking to a new, higher level!Diversify your networksAfter you have been networking a while, it can become a skill that you are really good at. However, you dont need to keep your networking skills to just your regular meeting. You can start to diversify your networks by taking your skills out to different places. When networking becomes second-nature to you, it is easy for you to fit in just about anywhere, with just about everyone!Networking by nature is simply making friends. Even the shyest and awkward people have a network of family and close friends that they feel comfortable with. Its simply a case of extending your network wider and allowing people into your network that could be of help to you in some way, and that you can help in return. You could even have a great deal of fun while forming new and diverse networks. Lets look at some examples of what we mean here.Take up volunteeringLots of people work for charity organizations in paid positions, whether they are large national charities or smaller locally based organizations. Many social enterprises also welcome volunteers to take some of the load, especially if they are working on tight budgets.Offering a few hours per week of volunteer work at a charity that you particularly like can not only allow you to learn some valuable new skills, but it also helps to get your name recognized within the organization. You can meet a lot of interesting charity workers and fellow volunteers that you can add to your network.You will get to hear about any paid positions coming up within the charity that you can apply for, but also there may be some leads or opportunities that you never expected coming via your fellow volunteers, either at their place of work or even at their own business.Parents GroupsIf you have children, it can be possible for you to form a new network of useful contacts through your school, nursery, playgroup, music group, art club, etc. You can have plenty of opportunities to speak with other parents from very diverse working backgrounds.Schools hold regular events such as sports days, fetes, social evening, fundraisers and jumble sales. Use these events to form new contacts and put the word out that you are looking for a new job. You never know what information will be fed back to you!Sports, fitness or hobby opportunitiesWhether you join the local running club, take up golf, or decide to go to night school to learn a new hobby, there are plenty of opportunities to build new networks with people that have something in common with you.While it can be hard to grasp that you are networking at these events rather than only making new friends, remember that you are still networking regardless of the setting. You never know where a conversation will go, or what job opportunity they ma y know about, you just have to give it a chance.The old saying that the best form of advertising is through word of mouth isnt wrong! By having conversations and making new connections, you are advertising yourself via word of mouth and letting people know that you are looking for a new job. previous article Sweet Summer A Free Creative Resume Template next article Cardinal Red Resume Template Freebie you might also likeThe Best Way to Explain Your Sabbatical To a New Employer

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Starting Your Own Business Interview with Sirena Thomas-Moore

Starting Your Own Business Interview with Sirena Thomas-Moore Today in my networking challenge I’m speaking with Sirena Thomas-Moore. At the age of 21, Sirena started her own company and it’s now a multi-million revenue generating company. I’m really excited to get her advice today on starting your own business. Thanks so much for sharing your advice with us Sirena! NOTE: Sorry if the audio quality is not that great but the interview was really fun and informational! In case you are reading this at work and can’t watch the video, you can read all of the great advice below instead! Advice For Starting Your Own Business from  Sirena Thomas-Moore 1) Where did you start when you were starting your own business? Ever since I’ve been old enough to speak I always want to be the boss. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, always. My last year of high school I actually had twin girls. And I graduated and that summer I need to get a job. So I started working with my father who’s been working in a construction industry for the last 20 some years at that time. So I started working on a construction site with him in the office doing administrative work and understanding how the project has been run and he worked in the field. While we worked on that project, we found out the contractor issued a six-figure contract to do basically what he was doing for an hourly rate. We got a copy of that contract and my father was like if you can figure out how to start a business I can do the service and we can have our own business. And that’s like with the idea for Elohim Cleaning Contractors came from. So we got on the internet I am as green as they come I didn’t know anything at all. I basically scan on the internet and was like what’s a corporation, what’s LLC, what’s sole proprietorship like, how do you go to EIN. I did all this very easy research online and that’s how we got to began to develop the company. I think a lot of people think they have to go to business school or get their MBA to start their own business but you don’t have to do that.  No, as a matter of fact, I think our ignorance was a blessing because there were some things that we are not aware of and it was great. It was great that I wasn’t aware of it because solely focus on building a business, generating revenue, and living life. Like, I wasn’t focused on economy and statistics and I don’t know anything. I think that was a blessing. 2) What would be your advice to someone thinking about starting her own business? My advice would definitely be to seek out every single free resource that you can humanly possibly find; whether it is a free efile at tax time or simply a good piece of advice from a seasoned professional. You can get pulled in to spending money on classes, spending money on software, spending money on networking or joining organizations but what you really need to do is get your base established first, so seek out as many free resources. I went to women business development group that’s in here in Philadelphia. Every college, business school has a small business development center and the SBA has free online services like there’s so many to choose to online or even at these development centers or enterprise centers that are free. And they can help you build your business. So that’s one I would say seek out free resources to definitely surround yourself with people that are, where you would like to be. Not necessarily a lot of people that like one what you want but people that actually are there so that you can learn from them. So those are probably the two pieces of advice that I would recommend if youre interested in starting your own business. 3) How do you manage your life as a career woman and a mother? You said you had twins when you first started your business. I have twins, and now I also have ten month old baby boy. And I’m recently married so now I’m wife, mother, entrepreneur, speaker, and world traveler. To be honest, it happens some days and some days it doesn’t. Some days my time is managed very very well and other days I drop ball like everyone else. But I’m really, really stuck on managing time wisely because I’ve truly understand that time is the only thing that I cannot get back. So I can’t waste my time and since we all have the same 24 hours its just about how you used them. I always have a plan for the most part. What my days are going to be, I try to prepare ahead of time so that nothing catches me by surprise. That happens some days its just us. But time management techniques are important. 4) What do you use to manage your time like to have to-do list or a Blackberry? Yes I do. I have all the above. I’m a gadget geek. So I totally am into like gogo gadget everything so I have an iPhone, I have an iPad. At the end of the day I mean I use the to-do list for sure. I’m big on teaching people about moving projects from your to-do list. You can have a list like it says make a doctor’s appointment or you have another list that says clean the basement that’s not the to-do, that’s like a project. Start one thing at a time. It really is about having tasks because people do projects, people do tasks, and its easier to check things off of your list that way. I only have meetings certain days of the week and I don’t meet everyday of the week. Its Tuesday or Thursday and when I meet its all day. I don’t do a meeting come back to the office do a little something go back out do a little something because you’re not really being productive when you do that. I do certain tasks on certain days like Monday, its business development, and follow-up. And Tuesdays all about bills, finances, sales. I assigned tasks to certain days as much as I can to streamline things because that’s the best way to manage your time and be productive. 5) How networking contributed to your success? Networking has been huge to my success. Especially in the contracting business and then certainly in Sirena Speaks, which is my other business.Those are kind of my focus and am doing a lot of speaking, teaching and helping other entrepreneurs build their business. Networking has been absolutely huge. People want to do business with people who they trust and, unfortunately, a lot of my contacts, a lot of people that I need they’re not as tech savvy as I am. I may never see them on the internet, but I will see them at chamber board meeting. And for me, it was a lot of kind of being in the place where my potential customers were and I just kind of showed up. I knew they’re gonna be there I did my research at a time. And finally somebody would say, “Who the heck are you? What do you do?” And that’s the opportunity to introduce myself. Networking has been really really big for me. It all happens through networking. Someone hearing my story, listening to me, talking to me and referring me. 6) What is one thing you wish you had known as a young professional woman just starting out in her career? Since I am still not that old, one of the things I would tell my younger self is expect to be talked about, expect to be misunderstood, and expect to be hated on even. But don’t let anything stop you from pursuing what you know God has really given to you to pursue. Just don’t let anything stop you. Live a life of knowing and dont stop for anything. 7) Where can people find more about you online? I’m just about anywhere. Twitter. I love twitter so you can follow me @Sirenaspeaks and you can also go to And am also on Facebook and am also on LinkedIn under Sirena Moore or Sirena Moore-Thomas, my married name. And just simply Google me find me just about anywhere.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Write aResume Teacher Style

Write aResume Teacher StyleWhile most of us tend to focus on the actual job-application process, writing a resume should be one of the main focuses when you send in your application. There are many things to consider when preparing a resume that is personalized for a particular job opening. However, being able to write a resume correctly is an important skill, and not every student has the time to take this extra step. A number of professional writing services are available for those who need help, but they usually charge a price, which may be too steep for your budget.There are actually many people who are able to use the internet to generate their resumes, without having to hire a professional writer. There are templates available online, with the instructions to follow, or specific instructions on how to make each section work for you. However, most of these templates can only fit a certain number of required fields and will require you to go back and edit your resume several time s. For most students, who are applying for the first time, a free service might not be the best option.To be able to write a resume correctly, you need to be sure that you are able to create a structure that will suit your resume. This structure is not an exercise to accomplish, but is something that you should do because it will help you focus on the important parts of your resume. Do not use the same structure for every resume, or you will not end up with a functional resume. Instead, you should have a structure that is flexible enough to be modified as needed, based on the job posting.For example, if you are writing a student's resume, you will probably not want to do it the same way that you would a professional resume. You should look at the job description and know what the expectations are for each section. The rest of the information should not be included in the job listing, but you should be able to use the information in the job description to create the sections for each section of your resume. If you cannot read the job description completely, you can find a template that has one line of words, and fill in the rest of the details from there.Your main goal, when writing a resume, should be to provide information about you, the skills you possess, and the experience you have. However, you should also be able to write a resume that is able to fit into the format requirements that are set for the job posting. The next question is what you will do after you have finished all of the sections of your resume? This is where the professional service comes in handy, because they will use the information you provided in the form to write a custom resume.The professional will usually understand the questions that you have and will also be able to give you a list of names that match those questions, allowing you to write your teacher resume in the format required. As a result, you will not have to pay an additional fee to a professional, who will work for free in order to create your custom resume. In some cases, you may also be able to request that they customize a student resume, based on your situation.Customized resumes for you, however, may also include more information than just the basic information required by the listing. Some applications will also ask for details about what you have done, or how you have proven your abilities in the past. In the end, the custom services will choose a format that best suits your career, so the resume should look professionally done.When you are sending in your resume, do not forget to tell the teaching professional about the job listing. Most students do not realize that it is possible to tailor a professional resume, and that a free service does not always provide the best results. It is likely that the teacher will have a lot of information to work with and will appreciate knowing that you took the time to prepare a customized resume, as well.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to Create a Receptionist Duties Resume

How to Create a Receptionist Duties ResumeA career change can be difficult for anyone who has been working in a career for many years and is used to performing duties that are familiar to them. If you have recently been transferred into a new position that is less familiar, your skills and personality may be overlooked when looking for a job.There are many tasks that you will need to carry out as a receptionist but these are just the basics. If you want to impress your potential employer then you need to demonstrate the fact that you have great skills and personality traits. If your skills and personality do not match up, then you will have difficulty getting interviews.If you need to develop certain skills for your job, you will need to do some research to discover which skills you will require for your job. There are many subjects that you will be able to select from, including customer service, payroll and records management, appointment scheduling, and money management. Once you have selected the subject that you wish to work on, you will need to find a suitable method of learning that suits you.If you are confident that you are qualified to carry out certain tasks, then you will need to start preparing yourself for the interview process. A resume is only going to be effective if it is written correctly. You will need to ensure that your resume is as professional as possible so that it matches up with the resume that your potential employer has submitted. If you are unable to write a good resume, you may need to find another way of creating a professional impression.Before applying for jobs, you should always ensure that you are able to speak the correct language. This will help to ensure that you are able to communicate well with any clients that you are meeting. Any time that you are meeting potential employers, you should try to speak with them in their native language. Most companies will be happy to hire you in their native language so that they can mo re easily understand you.In order to be noticed by a potential employer, you should make sure that you always speak in a way that is both professional and friendly. You should always speak in a confident manner in order to convey the message that you are looking for employment. If you are not confident in your voice, you may want to look at altering the settings on your voice recorder so that you are able to speak clearly.It doesn't matter what role you play as a receptionist, but the length of time that you are employed in this role will determine how long it takes you to learn. As such, your appointment diary will play an important role in how quickly you learn the skills that you need. Your appointment diary should contain every appointment that you have had and this should include details such as who you spoke to, who they spoke to, when they spoke to you, when you were supposed to be there, and the reason why you were not there.If you need specific instructions, you will need t o use a voice recorder in order to relay the exact instructions that you are given. If you are unsure of what instructions that you should be giving, then you may need to find a more experienced receptionist. However, if you are new to the role, then you should be able to carry out the tasks of a receptionist without any problems.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

One Mans Trash is Another Mans Gold - CareerAlley

One Mans Trash is Another Mans Gold - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Succeeding is not really a life experience that does that much good. Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience. Micheal Eisner There is nothing like a garage sale. The best ones are the ones where it is a town-wide sale. It is truly amazing the things that people will (try to) sell. Better yet, it is even more amazing the things that people will buy. Not to say that everything at a garage sale is junk. In fact, most of the items have real value and are just looking for a new home. But my favorite part of the garage sale is when its over and looking at the leftover items that find their way to the curb for trash pickup rather than back in the garage for next years sale. This is, of course, when the scavengers come out and collect their gold from the discarded items. By now Im sure youre wondering where this is going and how this can possibly have anything to do with job search read on. A large portion of available jobs (most likely the majority of jobs) are vacancy jobs. These are jobs that are open because the former job holder is no longer in that job. Maybe they got promoted, or maybe they left the company. Sometimes its for better opportunity and sometimes it is because they were let go. Whatever the reason, it is your job to find out why the job is available during the interview. In fact, it is your job to drive the interview rather than the interview driving you. SIX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ALWAYS ASK Posted on, this article provides some great questions that you should ask on an interview, including what happened to the last person. Most importantly, read the final paragraphs to remind you about the important things to consider when making your decision on your next job. While you are on the site, take a look at the related links on the left hand side of the page (job search, career advice, etc.). Right side of the page has top jobs. 10 Ways To Signal Strength In A Job Interview How you answer interview questions (and what questions you ask) is not the only deciding factor in an interview. Qualifications aside, it is the total impression that will make you or break you. This article, by Tim Tyrell-Smith and posted on, provides both the prerequisites and the what do I need to do information you will need to ace your interview. Want more? Take a look at the related links at the bottom of the page. How to Quickly Recover From Bad Job Interviews This article was posted on JobMob and, if youve ever had a bad interview (and who hasnt), take a read. Just when you think youve lost all hope, you too can salvage your interview. The article includes advice regarding what to do both during and after the interview. While you are there, check out all of the great resources on JobMob. 50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes Who would have thought that there would be a list of 50 job interview mistakes (and most common at that). Posted on Yahoo Finance, some of these you will recognize and many you want. All are worth a read so that you dont make the same mistake. My personal favorite is Chewing gum, tobacco, your pen, your hair. The most ridiculous job interview questions And now for the lighter side, the difference here is that these are real interview questions. You know what they say, youve got to take the good with the bad. Hopefully you wont get any of the questions in this article, but you never know. You will recognize most of the companies (but hopefully none of the questions). Enjoy. Good luck in your search.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How To Answer Do You Have Questions For Me Like A Pro

How To Answer Do You Have Questions For Me Like A Pro When you are finished with your interview, it is not uncommon for  the interviewer to ask you one final question, Do you have any questions for me? This is one of the most dreaded questions an applicant  may be asked. There is a war that goes on inside most peoples heads when this question is asked: If I dont ask any questions, will they be offended because I dont want more information? or If I ask too many questions, will it seem like I wasnt paying enough attention? These are not uncommon thoughts that may be running through an applicants mind. Hopefully, by the end of this post you will have a better idea of how to handle when this question is thrown to you, and you will be able to  answer it like a pro. Be Honest: If you truly do have questions, then go ahead and ask. If your interviewer didnt want to know your questions, then they wouldnt honestly ask. Employers expect that you will have questions. Do your homework before your interview and have a few questions prepared. Be Appropriate: Dont ask inappropriate questions or questions that are silly or funny. It will annoy your interviewer and can make them feel like you are wasting their time. Dont Repeat: Pay attention and dont ask questions that have already been answered. It will only make you seem incompetent and like you dont pay attention. If the only questions youve prepared have already been addressed, you can go into more detail, or just let the interviewer know that any questions you had coming in to the interview have been addressed. These are some good guidelines for answering questions. However, if you dont have any honest and relevant questions, then you can always simply tell them that you have no further questions and look forward to hearing from them. This is a perfectly acceptable way to end the interview and leave the interviewer with a impressive picture of the value you would offer as an employee.